※ Because this item is made-to-order, preparation may take 2-3 months before shipping.
※ This digital art will not be able to be traded.
※ Please note that cancellation is not accepted.
※ Please see more detail and the cautions on the special page.
Limited Digital Collection on your PC or Smartphone

Collect and access your digital items through PC or smartphone.
As an owner, you may view the digital collection clip without the "SAMPLE" watermark.
You may also download the clip and use it as your PC or smartphone wallpaper.
※ You may collect multiple digital items.
※ Each digital framed artwork is ¥1,500 yen (tax excl.)
Certificate of Ownership with Ownership Period

A certificate of ownership that records your name will be issued.
Your ownership period will also be recorded on the certificate.
You may enjoy the time spent and the anniversary of your collection.
Check the certificate of ownership
Exclusively Summon the Framed Artwork

As the owner of the digital item, you may exclusively order the framed artwork.
An ultra-high quality printed artwork with the frame that is chosen to fit the atmosphere of HELLSING will be delivered to you.
The framed artwork comes with a plate with an edition number, making the framed artwork the one and only one in the world.
※ Framed artwork is ¥80,000 yen (tax excl.)
※ Frame size is 510mm, 430mm, 30mm.

Your Name will be Displayed at the Online Gallery

As the collector, your name will be displayed with the artwork at the online gallery of Anique. It is an open gallery, which other HELLSING fans could also access to this gallery and see your name.
※ This digital art will not be able to be traded.
※ Please note that cancellation is not accepted.